Eyebrow Lift | Lasts longer than alternatives

Brow Lift Procedure

  • What is an Endotine Brow Lift Procedure?

– Used in both open and endoscopic brow lift procedures, Endotine are small, bioabsorbable implants that securely lift the patient's brow and are then dissolved and absorbed into the body.

– This saves patients time from additional appointments where they would remove sutures and other leftover instruments while also ensuring their brow lift appears like a natural, genuine transformation.

– If you are interested in an Endotine procedure, speak with a licensed plastic surgeon to see if it is appropriate for you.

  • Do Browlifts Require an Incision?

– Yes, a browlift often requires several incisions as part of its procedure, as do many forms of plastic surgery.

  • Where Do They Cut for a Brow Lift?

– A facial plastic surgeon will make incisions in different locations of only part of the face depending on the eye brow lift technique they've chosen to use.

– A few possible incision areas include:

→ Along the hairline
→ Near the temples
→ Above the eyebrow
– The areas cut for a brow lift depend on the desired results of the surgery and your personal anatomy, as well as the facial plastic surgeon's professional opinion.

  • Does a Brow Lift Require Anesthesia?

– Brow lifts require some form of anesthesia during the procedure to ensure a patient is comfortable and pain-free. The type depends on the procedure the surgeon has chosen.

– Local anesthesia may be used for less-invasive brow lifts such as endoscopic brow lifts. Local anesthetic with intravenous sedation, which reduces skin sensation, may be used for more extensive procedures. A surgeon may use general anesthesia for highly- invasive procedures, putting the patient to sleep.

  • Will my Brow Lift be an Outpatient Procedure or an Inpatient Procedure?

– Brow lifts may often occur within outpatient facilities, but it is best to ask your surgeon directly for the most accurate information.

  • Can I Combine a Brow Lift with Additional Facial Procedures?

– There are cases in which patients receive neck surgery, eyelid surgery, and other procedures at the same time as their brow lift — however, this depends on numerous factors, including personal health and wellness, age, and much more. Patients are advised to ask their surgeons about having multiple procedures simultaneously.


Knowing Your Options

  • How Do I Know if I Need a Browlift or Blepharoplasty?

    – A brow lift and a blepharoplasty are both meant to provide facial rejuvenation. However, each procedure targets different areas. A person may consider an eyebrow lift or eyelid surgery when they notice their face has:

    → Sagging eyebrows
    → Deep forehead wrinkles
    → A tired appearance
    → Impaired vision
    → Excess skin over the lower or upper eyelid
    → Puffy lower eyelids
    → Drooping upper eyelids

    – Before deciding, consult with board-certified plastic surgeons for eyelid or brow lift consultations.

  • What is the Difference Between an Endoscopic brow lift & a Coronal brow lift?

    – In a coronal brow lift procedure, the surgeon makes a large incision behind the patient's hairline across the top of the head, then lifts the tissue of the forehead and removes the leftover scalp tissue that overlaps the hairline. The remaining scalp is then sewn back together.

    – Endoscopic brow lifts utilize fewer incisions and less invasive techniques to achieve largely the same result.

  • Should I Get a Brow Lift or Botox?

    – While both options provide similar results, brow lifts and Botox injections involve very different methods and can achieve different goals for your appearance. We recommend discussing treatment options with a board-certified plastic surgeon, who will expertly provide information on brow lift procedures, including their effectiveness and potential risks.

    – With our help, you can find a surgeon in your area who can help guide your decision.

  • How are a Temporal brow lift & an Endoscopic brow lift Different?

    – While an endoscopic brow lift is done through small incisions behind the hairline, a temporal brow lift procedure is performed through incisions near the temples of one's head.

  • What is the Best Browlift Procedure?

    – There are several treatment options when it comes to brow lift procedures, including:

    → Direct Brow Lift Surgery
    → Temporal Lift Surgery
    → Coronal Brow Lift
    → Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery

    – Endoscopic brow lifts are generally less-invasive procedures that involve smaller incisions hidden around the hairline near the temples, leaving fewer resulting scars and a reduced recovery time. A board-certified plastic surgeon will be able to most accurately prescribe a surgical technique based on your needs.

  • What Other Brow Lift Surgery Techniques Are There?

    – There are several varying brow lift techniques that surgeons may use, such as:

    → Temporal brow lift
    → Direct brow lift
    → Hairline brow lift
    → Coronal brow lift
    → Endoscopic brow lift

    – We do not specifically endorse any one of these techniques. Instead, be sure to discuss what technique is best for you with a Board-certified plastic surgeon.


Financing Your Brow Lift

  • Can an (endoscopic) brow lift be covered by insurance?

    – The American Society of Plastic Surgeons1 states that most health insurance plans do not cover an individual's brow lift surgery cost, including endoscopic brow lift surgeries.

    – However, numerous plastic surgeons and their practices do provide financing plans so patients can afford the rejuvenating eye brow lift procedure they deserve.

  • Will Medicare Pay for a Brow Lift?

    According to the CMS2, cosmetic procedures like brow lift surgeries are not generally covered by Medicaid. Under some circumstances, plastic surgery procedures deemed “medically necessary” may be covered. It is important to consult with your plastic surgeon for a better understanding of your specific circumstances.

  • When is a Brow Lift "Medically Necessary"?

    – An eyebrow lift or forehead lift is considered medically necessary when excess skin from the forehead and brow, as a result of brow ptosis, impairs an individual's major functions, particularly their eyesight. Procedures considered reconstructive surgery may also be deemed medically necessary.

  • How Much Is a Brow Lift?

    – The American Society of Plastic Surgeons states the average brow lift cost is around $3,9003. However, an eyebrow lift cost differs depending on the surgeon and the type of brow lift procedure you choose, as differences in time and resources make an endoscopic brow lift cost different from a temporal or coronal brow lift.

  • Are Brow Lifts Worth the Money?

    – Whether an eyebrow lift's cost is worth paying for depends on your personal circumstances and expectations. If you desire forehead rejuvenation, hiring a surgeon to remove excess skin or reduce sagging skin with an eyebrow lift surgery may be worth the cost.

  • What Factors Into The Overall Cost of a Brow Lift?

    – Overall cost of a brow lift can vary from one plastic surgeon to another, there are some expenses common to each procedure that factor into the cost:

    → Hospital facility costs
    → Post-surgery garments
    → Medical tests
    → Anesthesia fees

    – Remember that the cost can reflect the quality of care and skill your surgeon will bring to the table when performing your brow lift.


Locating a Surgeon and Surgery Center

  • Where Can I Find A Plastic Surgeon For My Brow Lift?

    – Find one through your medical provider or online through various websites. Our site provides resources on finding a surgeon nearby in patients' local areas.

  • Can You Get A Brow Lift From a Surgery Center?

    – Yes, you can often get a brow lift at a surgery center. Many brow lift procedures are performed in accredited outpatient surgical facilities or ambulatory surgery centers.

    – These centers are equipped with the necessary medical facilities and staff to safely perform surgical procedures while providing a comfortable and controlled environment.


What to Expect After Your Brow Lift

  • What Does the Recovery Process Look Like For a Brow Lift?

    – Once your procedure is finished, your facial plastic surgeon will close the small incisions using absorbable stitches or absorbable sutures that should dissolve within one or two weeks.

    – For around two days, you may develop swelling. To reduce swelling, keep your head elevated and use cold compresses.

    – Your recovery time may differ based on surgery type, as an endoscopic browlift involves smaller incisions than a coronal or temporal brow lift.

  • How Soon Will I See the Results From My Brow Lift?

    – The final desired results of your brow lift surgery should appear once your body completely heals. For most, their full brow lift results can be seen around six months after their procedure, which is generally when the body fully heals.

  • Are Brow Lifts Permanent?

    – A brow lift is not permanent; its longevity varies from person to person. The effects of a brow lift for hooded eyes or wrinkled foreheads can last several years. However, factors like natural aging and genetics can eventually impact the results over time.

  • Can I Wear Makeup, Glasses, or Other Accessories After My Brow Lift?

    – While it is best to stay cautious and ask your surgeon, patients should refrain from wearing makeup and other facial accessories for around two weeks after their brow lift procedure.

  • How can I Make Sure my Brow Lift Lasts?

    – One significant way is to protect your head, hairline, and skin from sun damage. Wear sunscreen when you are outdoors so your skin is protected from UV rays, which can cause wrinkles over time.


Candidate Suitability and Risks

  • What Makes Someone a Suitable Candidate for Brow Lift Surgery?

    – First and foremost, a suitable candidate for a brow lift should be determined by a certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to spot the symptoms that would make a patient a qualifying candidate. These symptoms include:

    → Excess eyelid skin
    → Sagging eyebrows
    → Moderate to severe Brow Ptosis
    → Frown lines or furrows between the eyebrows
    → Deep horizontal creases across the forehead

    – Those are just a few, but make sure to find the best surgeon in your area to find out for sure if you can get an endoscopic brow lift or even an Endotine brow lift procedure.

  • Are There Any Potential Risks or Complications from Brow Lift Surgeries?

    – Your surgeon will offer a more detailed list of potential risks. However, there are a few complications that can occur during a brow lift, such as:

    → Infection
    → Numbness
    → Hair follicle loss
    → Scarring
    → Bleeding
    → Slight asymmetry

    – Those are just a few potential issues, but make sure to voice your concerns with your surgeon before receiving a brow lift.